In conjunction with NOVOMATIC AG Group’s Legal, Legal Compliance and Internal Audit & Risk Management departments, NOVOMATIC Americas Sales LLC strives to ensure that national and international legal requirements are met. An important aspect here is that business is always conducted in an ethical and responsible way.

NOVOTRUST whistleblower portal
NOVOMATIC Americas Sales proudly follows the corporate culture implemented by our parent company, NOVOMATIC AG Group. The corporate culture is based on the standards of the Code of Conduct and lives the principle of "Always Compliant" in all business areas – a practice that ensures compliance with legal regulations and corporate values. NOVOMATIC Americas Sales encourages all to recognize and prevent criminal behavior in order to avert damage to our customers, employees and business partners.
Would you like to send a confidential report to our Legal Compliance department? You can reach us at any time via the protected NOVOTRUST whistleblower portal:
Submit a report in the protected NOVOTRUST whistleblower portal